Naohiko Miyata, CFTe

Chief Technical Analyst, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities
Tokyo, Japan


Naohiko Miyata is Chief Technical Analyst at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities. He provides TA-based market analysis to institutional investors in Japan and overseas. Widely recognized as a leading practitioner of the Elliott Wave Principle, he is known to be one of the best "Elliotticians" in Japan. His market analysis and comments are frequently cited in the financial press and are closely followed by institutional as well as individual investors. He made a presentation at the 2011 IFTA conference in Sarajevo, where he accurately predicted the end of the 40-year-long trend of Japanese yen appreciation. His book titled “Nihonkabu Super Cycle Toushi (Invest in Japanese Stocks for the Super Cycle)” received high acclaim in 2014.

Presentation Abstract

Application of the Elliott Wave Analysis to the Supercycle of the Japanese Stock Market

What would happen if we applied Elliott wave theory to trends in the Japanese stock market over the period of nearly 140 years since its inception in 1878? We look at prospects for the stock market in Japan using this approach, combined with comparative analysis of the US stock market and forex forecasts.


Wave Theory Debate: New Breeds of Elliotticians vs. Conventional Elliotticians